Psychic Jill

Fort Thomas psychic predicts 2010

By Ryan Clark  Enquirer contributor  January 3, 2010
FORT THOMAS – She’s always known she’s had the gift, ever since she was a
little girl and saw her dead grandmother at the foot of her bed. Even then she
was just able to do little things, like predict when the phone would ring. Later,
she began to be able to tell people what would happen in the future.
That’s what she still does to this day. Psychic Jill, of Fort Thomas, has
been telling people their futures for more than 20 years. She’s been on various
radio stations entertaining callers’ questions for 10 years and is even working
on a book about local ghost hauntings. After a somewhat bleak 2009, what does
she see for the upcoming year? Here’s what she had to say.
On the topic of the overall state of the world: “I have a much better feel
for 2010,” she said. “It seems we’ve been in gloom and doom for so long, I see
the sun coming up for the whole world. It’s a much happier year. There are new
beginnings and new romances – people who never thought they would find
love will do so. I feel like there will be a spiritual awakening this year. I also
see that the Pope will get ill, with potential heart problems, and there will
be an engagement in the Royal Family.”
The economy: “Money situations are going to become easier,” she said. “It
will all lighten up. Job-wise, the economy is going to open up.”
President Obama: “The man is under such a microscope, and I feel like that
will not let up,” she said. “I feel like he bit off more than he could chew.
People thought things would be wonderful, and they still won’t be in this
upcoming year. I feel like he is a great man, but it will take at least another
year before things seem to go his way.”
America at war: “I don’t see an end to the wars,” she said. “Possibly in
two years, but not in the upcoming year.”
The Reds this season: “They are going to start off very slow, so much so
that people lose interest,” she said. “Then, in mid-season, they are going to
pull a rabbit out of their hat and they will turn things around. Still, I don’t
see them as a playoff team.”
The myth that 2012 will bring about the end of the world: “I don’t buy
it,” she said. “I see my grandbaby – who is 3 – getting married and having
children. I see a lot of joy there. People are getting scared for no reason.”
“I feel good about the upcoming year,” Psychic Jill said. “If we hang in
there, together, and we pray to God and put our faith in God, we can get back to
the way things used to be.”
Want to set up a reading with Psychic Jill? E-mail her at
Know of someone with an interesting story?
E-mail Ryan Clark at nkyfol…