Villa Hills woman cross-stitches stars for tribute to 9/11 victims©
By Ryan Clark • Enquirer contributor
NKY.Com News, December 1, 2008
VILLA HILLS – Peg Kohl has been cross-stitching for decades. Now in her 70s, she’s been married for 51 years, and the Villa Hills resident has two children and five grandchildren.
Now she’s working on her latest important project.
Kohl learned that another cross-stitcher from New York needed help stitching a memorial for the victims of 9/11. A star would be made for each victim, creating a flag more than 200 feet wide, and when finished, it would hang in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
More than 50 stitchers from all over the world volunteered to help. Kohl was one of them.
“This was not my idea to begin this project,” she said. “I suppose I got involved because I was totally devastated watching, via TV, what was taking place to so many innocent victims in our country – shades of horrors of what we had read about occurring in World War II. I wanted to do something in memory for those lost and for those left behind, to help them in some small way. I just knew I wanted to be a part of this. To see this travesty within our own country (was) almost too much to comprehend.”
Cross-stitching since she was teenager, it seemed natural for Kohl to get involved. She also freelances for The Cross Stitcher magazine and has begun collecting 9/11 memorabilia.
“I now have two albums full of clippings, pictures, religious items and info – you name it, I probably have something,” she said. “I started out doing this for myself, but soon came to the realization that someday this would be collector’s memorabilia – words to be read by my grandchildren, who were too young to fully understand exactly what happened on that day.”
Kohl has already made 50 of the stars, and is starting another 50. Doreen Lynn Saunders, who lives in New York, devised the idea. To learn more about the project,